
Japanese Curry Rice with Bakkwa

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
准备时间:20 分钟


  • 1 cup of Rice (225g)
  • 1 ½ cups of Water (630g)
  • 1 ½ medium size Potato-cut in small cubes (60g)
  • 3/5 medium size Carrot-cut in small cubes (40g)
  • 2 pieces of Japanese curry cubes (30g) and ½ cups of Bakkwa strip (100g)

preparation instructions

  1. Cut the potato and carrot into cubes.
  2. Pour the water into the pan。
  3. Add the potato and carrot into pan and boil it for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the curry cubes into the pan. Stir to dissolve.
  5. When water reduced, add Bakkwa strip. Stir-fry for 1 minute.
  6. Serve it with rice and garnish with spring onion the on top.
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