
Stir-fry French Bean with Bakkwa


  • French bean (150g)
  • Chopped 3 cloves of garlic (9g)
  • Bakkwa strips (20g)
  • pinch of salt (2g)
  • cooking oil (15g)
  • water (50g)

preparation instructions

  1. Soak and wash the long beans.
  2. Cut the long beans, cut one into 3 to 4 pieces.
  3. Stir bakkwa strip without oil in pan for 1 minute and put aside.
  4. Heat up the pan with cooking oil.
  5. Fry the garlic for few second and add in French bean.
  6. Fry the french bean for few minutes, caution of high flame.
  7. Add in salt, water and stir fry until all water evaporate.
  8. Lastly serve the french beans on a plate with bakkwa strips on top.
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